Sunday, August 30, 2009

Oh what to do when the weather is hot , I know go sailing with your Grandad. Dad brought this small sailing boat a few months ago and although Nick had gone out with him, John had not. it was a fun time by all, the boys had a great time. As well as my niece's and nephew, I think Dad also had a great time as he got to spend time with his grand kids. They took it out on Kawana Lake while the rest of us enjoyed the breeze in the shade.

Here is Arndt, Tamika, Dad and the boys getting ready to go out

The boys are all ready to go as Dad and Arndt push out from the shore

And here we go , What a great day for all.
Big Hugs


  1. Ahhh! Lovely to see, that is what they will reminisce about when they are grown men.

  2. "There is nothing, absolutely nothing so much worth doing as messing around in boats."
    — Ratty (Wind in the Willows)

  3. It looks like you had a lovely day. My last experience in a sailboat like that one ended when my husband said coming about, and I didn't know that that meant. Needless to say I was hit in the forehead with the boom from the sail and fell off the boat backwards. It is pretty funny now, but not so much then.


  4. Looks like a dreamy way to spend a summer day!

  5. Lovely to see all the boys having fun!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  6. What a cute little boat! It looks like a fun time!

  7. Ah that's the life ! Lovely way to spend the day .
